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Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities

Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities
1h 46min
A Novoresume account is required to start this course
Do you feel like life has dealt you a rough hand lately? Perhaps you've been dealt the blow of being laid off from your job. It can be tough when we are faced with big challenges, but what if there was a way to reframe this situation and turn it into an opportunity? That's exactly what this course is all about! Over the course of 7 days, you'll learn how to take control of your circumstances and champion your future. Say goodbye to feeling like a victim, and transform this challenge into an opportunity for growth. You can find a way to bounce back and land an even better job than before!
Skills you learn:
Networking and relationship building
Continuous learning and personal growth
Job search strategy development
Cognitive reframing
Problem-solving techniques
Stress management